Ministry in the New Marriage Culture

Ministry in the New Marriage Culture

"This book is about ministry in the new marriage culture. It’s not about political activism to oppose same sex marriage, moral foundations for biblical marriage, or philosophical reasons for traditional marriage. We agree those subjects are important and demand clear articulation in every appropriate venue but just not here. We are moving on to the next big issue—responding to the ministry needs the redefinition of marriage is thrusting upon us."

- Dr. Jeff Iorg

Jeff Iorg
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Same-sex marriage is here.

So what do pastors and church leaders do now?

Churches are now faced with ministry dilemmas unknown to any previous generation. Hoping the problem goes away isn’t a reasonable strategy.  Christians must answer difficult questions about ministering both to couples in same-sex marriages and all the people impacted by those unions.

Jeff Iorg, a seminary president and experienced pastor, has assembled some of the leading voices on a range of topics from children’s ministry to preaching to legal issues in the new marriage culture. Readers will be equipped, perhaps for the first time, with practical answers to some of these complex questions.

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