The Christological Witness Function of the Old Testament Characters in the Gospel of John

The Christological Witness Function of the Old Testament Characters in the Gospel of John

"A serious student of the Fourth Gospel is immediately confronted with widely divided scholarly opinions on various issues surrounding John. There is, however, one aspect that seems to enjoy unanimity, that is, that Christology stands at the heart of the Gospel."

Dr. Michael Ahn

Michael Ahn
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This book investigates the narrative function of the Old Testament characters in the Gospel of John. The fascinating thesis is that the Hebrew characters in John's narrative uniformly function as a witness for the messianic identity of Jesus. The Jewish scriptural traditions (Hebrew and intertestamental ones) are compared to shed light on John's indebtedness for its formation of his Christology. A compelling argument ensues, which informs our understanding, not only of the Gospel itself, but also of Jesus Christ revealed in the Gospel.
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