C. Don Beall

CLD Director

M.Div. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
B.A. Southwestern Oklahoma State University

Don Beall has served as a pastor of three churches in Oklahoma. He also served as an associational missionary (appointed Home/North American Missionary) in Eastern South Dakota, Wichita, Kansas and Seattle, Washington. Beall served as Director of the Associational Strategy Team at the North American Mission Board in Alpharetta, Georgia before coming to Golden Gate.

Beall is a certified trainer in several disciplines and has served on a number of Southern Baptist Convention national task forces. He is a candidate in Golden Gate Seminary’s D. Min. program.

To contact this faculty member

Office: Academic Bldg. 135
Mail: GGBTS-967, 201 Seminary Drive, Mill Valley, CA 94941-3163
Phone: 415-380-1638
Fax: 415-380-1632
Cell: N/A
Email: cdonbeall@gmail.com