
The Golden Gate Seminary Library is open to students, faculty, staff, and the public. It is the place to go for research, study, and information needs.

The mission of the library is to facilitate engaged learning by creating an environment conducive to intellectual and social interactions. The library contributes to the mission of shaping effective Christian leaders by fostering life-long learning and critical theological reflection. This is accomplished through the collection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of materials and services.

The Library Collection
The library collection allows users access to more than 230,000 materials and many other resources pertinent to today's Christian learning environment. The library catalog links the holdings from all five Golden Gate campuses and allows resources to be viewed and shared through the intercampus loan service.

A-Z Journal and eBook List
Provides access to over 70,000 ejournal and 35,000 ebooks and available 24/7.

Research Links

Suggest A Resource

Library History 

Library Policies & Procedures

Borrowing, returning, and renewing materials
Food, drink, and cell phone usage
Intercampus (ICL), Bookbag, and Interlibrary loans (ILL)
Opening and maintaining an account
Overdue and lost items
Placing items on hold
Registration & graduation block
Reserve materials

Arizona campus Hours
Cooperative Libraries
Northern California campus Hours
Cooperative Libraries
Pacific Northwest campus Hours
Cooperative Libraries
Rocky Mountain campus Hours
Cooperative Libraries
Southern California campus Hours
Cooperative Libraries