Pacific Northwest Campus Student Services

Welcome . . .

To the Pacific Northwest Campus of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary! We are pleased to have you here studying with us. It is our prayer that we will have a wonderful year of study and ministry together. Please read and abide by the following information so that your time here will move along in a smoother way.


The PNWC does not provide student housing. In the past, the seminary has maintained a list of host families who opened their homes to commuting students. However, with the growth of our student body it is becoming difficult to find the number of homes we need. Therefore, students are encouraged to find Monday night lodging with friends or family in the area.

Placement Services

Students are expected to be involved in ministry while attending seminary. Personnel at the seminary, the NW Baptist Convention, Volunteer Services of the NWBC are willing to assist students in finding places of ministry. Positions are regularly posted on the bulletin board in the student lounge.

First Aid Items

We have Tylenol, band-aids, antibiotic cream, etc. in the administrative office for your use when needed.