Master of Divinity with Youth Ministry Concentration


The Master of Divinity (MDiv) Degree with a Concentration in Youth Ministry is a three-year program enabling students to develop their knowledge and understanding of ministry to youth, develop skills appropriate to leading such ministry efforts, as well as develop their general ministerial leadership identity and skills. 

To provide guidance for all MDIV students, the Faculty has identified six broad objectives for individuals pursuing the degree and has refined these objectives in specific required courses and the stated course objectives for each. Achieving these degree and course objectives is also designed to set students on a trajectory of life-long personal, spiritual, and professional growth in the arenas detailed in the Essential Leadership Characteristics identified by the Faculty. 

The required youth ministry courses are available online for students at all campuses. Courses may also be offered on campus at the Northern California and Southern California Campuses.

Degree Objectives

By the completion of the MDiv the student will:

1. Exhibit an introductory graduate-level understanding of the Bible's content, contexts, structure, and message; and demonstrate the ability to conduct solid research with a goal of properly applying the Bible to modern life. (S1112, S1113, S1312, S1313, S1213, S1214, S1413, S1414, S2521)

2. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the Christian historical, theological, and ethical frameworks commonly held in the believers' church tradition to sustain ministerial leadership to God's glory. (L1111, L1112, L1211, L1212, L1411)

3. Affirm God’s calling and explore areas of spiritual formation and self-awareness appropriate for ministry leadership. (P1111, P1115, P1116, P1121/22)

4. Demonstrate basic comprehension of the theology and theory and develop competence in the practice of pastoral care, counseling, proclamation, and worship leadership. (P1411, P1511, P1512, P1916)

5. Understand theory and develop practical skills to be effective in communicating and living the Gospel in ecclesiological, missional, and intercultural contexts. (I1113, I1211, I1311)

6. Demonstrate comprehension of effective leadership principles and Bible teaching skills in Christian education ministries. (E1113, E1312) 

Vocational Roles

The MDiv Curriculum is designed to provide preparation for the following occupational roles: Pastor, Associate Pastor, Missional Strategist, Church Planter, Chaplain, Student or Collegiate Minister, Director of Missions, Denominational Worker, Evangelist, Social Work Minister, Parachurch Ministry Leader, Minister of Counseling or Outreach and Visitation, or Minister of Education.


An appropriate accredited bachelor’s degree or its equivalent is required.

Course Requirements

This section is designed to help you keep a record of courses taken and courses needed to complete your 90-hour MDIV degree.

Course Title Course # Hours

School of Theology
Old Testament Introduction I S1112 3
Old Testament Introduction II S1113 3
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew I S1213 2
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew II S1214 2
New Testament Introduction I S1312 3
New Testament Introduction II S1313 3
Introduction to Biblical Greek I S1413 2
Introduction to Biblical Greek II S1414 2
Hermeneutics S2521 2
Church History I L1111 3
Church History II L1112 3
Baptist Heritage and Practice L1113 2
Christian Theology I L1211 3
Christian Theology II L1212 3
Christian Ethics L1411 2

School of Christian Leadership
Foundations for Ministry P1111 2
Integration into Ministry P1116 2
Leadership in Ministry Practicum I* P1121 2
Leadership in Ministry Practicum II* P1122 2
Principles & Approaches to Bible Teaching E1113 3
Ministry Leadership E1312 2
Administration and Church Growth E1314 2
Foundation and Practices of Youth Ministry E2712 3
Youth Ministry Leadership E2727 3
Contextual Youth Ministry E2709 3
Contemporary Trends and Critical Issues in Youth Ministry E2728 3
Worship & Music in the Faith Community P1916 3
Spiritual Formation P1115 2
Introduction to Preaching or Introduction to Public Speaking P1411 or E1211 3
Pastoral Ministry P1511 2
Christian Counseling P1512 3

School of Global Missions
Intercultural Communication I1113 3
Introduction to Missions I1211 3
Basic Evangelism I1311 2
Free Electives 4
Minimum hours to graduate 90

*P1121 & P1122 (TFE) must be taken in two consecutive terms in a fall-spring sequence only. A total of 4 semester-hours credit for the courses will be given at the end of the second term. No credit is earned if both courses are not completed. Variable credit is available by contracting with the TFE Office and identified on the TFE Application. Students must remain in the same Peer Reflection Group for the two terms.

For full-time student verification, students must be registered for 9 semester hours in any given semester and 24 hours for the year. VA students, please see Registrar for full-time student verification and additional information.