Network User Guidelines

The GGBTS Network

The seminary network primarily exists to maintain an information/communication infrastructure crucial to the operations of our five regional campuses. To this end, the Golden Gate ITG (Information Technology Group) focuses full-time support on main business-related computing systems, servers, and communications equipment. The network features high-end hardware and Windows XP Professional operating system.

Although representing a significant percentage of network traffic, student user access is secondary to the goals and functions of ITG. Student network access is provided as a campus research/education tool only. Student users should not assume that the seminary network can function as a replacement or substitute for a home-based computer system. Limitations to network features (crucial to safeguard system integrity), as well as hard-drive restrictions and limited number of campus workstations mandate that students still must maintain more convenient home computing systems.

Getting Connected

Seminary network access is provided as a no-cost service for any GGBTS enrolled student requesting user status. User accounts/ID are required to log on to any dedicated workstation in the Computer Lab or Library. Students may sign-up for a network user account through the Student Services Office. Registering as a student user requires a signed agreement/waiver, which identifies all stated polices/procedures related to network security (all student users are accountable to manage network access responsibly and to comply with all seminary regulations/restrictions).

ITG personnel will create or renew an account usually within two working days of receiving documents from Student Services. The student will receive a memorandum from ITG providing a GGBTS User ID and instructions for initial log in. All student user accounts are reviewed in February and September to delete graduated or un-enrolled users. Should a student remain actively enrolled then his/her network account should remain active throughout the course of study.

Computer Lab/Library

The NCC Computer Lab supports twelve terminal workstations and serves as a student research resource. The Lab also serves as an Academic Classroom/software-training center for seminary staff and faculty. The Lab is located in the first-floor of the Academic Building. Four Lab workstations are also located in the Library (to the right of the Circulation Desk). Generally, the computer lab is open whenever the Academic Building or Library is open. On occasion, the Lab will be closed for classroom or training purposes, or for routine maintenance. The seminary usually provides advance notice of these dates/times through campus publications or notices posted to the Lab boards.

Lab workstations offer access to basic Microsoft office suite applications, presentation software, and the Internet. Lab hardware is updated regularly to adequately provide for student computing needs. All dedicated student workstations are configured for multiple language support to assist international students and cross-cultural research. The workstations and student user profiles also are configured to restrict downloads, software transfer, software loading, and system breach. The Lab also features a dedicated Multi-Media workstation located in the back of the room. Use of this unit is restricted to the seminary Multi-Media course. The Lab supports a central printer.

Lab/Workstation “Commandments”

  • Workstations are available on a first-come, first-served basis at any time the Computer Lab or the Library are open. Workstations cannot be reserved or held by students. Any workstation signed-in but abandoned will be logged out after 15 minutes.
  • Student users are allowed up to 10Mb of drive storage through a “Home” directory on the seminary network. The C: drive is not available for local document storage. Files maintained in the student’s home directory are active as long as the account remains current. Students are responsible for backing up any/all files and documents. The seminary will not backup or restore student home directories.
  • The seminary STRONGLY recommends that students maintain documents/data files on portable USB flash/thumb drives or burn data to CDs (students must provide their own drives or CDs).
  • The Lab does not provide paper for the printer. Student users must supply their own paper.
  • Student users are NOT allowed to patch into ANY network port for laptop access. Disconnecting wall connections or patching into any open port in the Seminary is unauthorized access.
  • Food & drinks are not allowed in the Computer Lab or near ANY workstation at any time.
  • Student users may NOT alter the settings of the Lab equipment in any way or attempt to install hardware or software at any workstation.
  • Student users must NOT share their personal login/ID with anyone; however, spouses may share access.
  • Children are not allowed to use Computer Lab/Library workstations. This restriction includes both letting them run programs and allowing them to occupy time by playing with the keyboard, mouse, or other peripherals whether signed on or not.
  • Students should take note of any postings in the computer lab for additional information.
Golden Gate Seminary strives to maintain all network computers, servers, and peripheral equipment in maximum working condition; however, the seminary cannot guarantee that all workstations or equipment will be operational at all times. While all efforts are made to make prompt repairs we do occasionally experience delays in equipment or network outages. For this reason, the seminary assumes no responsibility for missed deadlines, assignments, or academic requirements due to Computer Lab-related equipment or access issues.

Network Ethics

Golden Gate seeks consistently to uphold and to foster biblical standards of personal integrity, character, and behavior. Accordingly, in offering the privilege of network Internet access, the seminary exercises the right to limit such access to activities that are consistent with those biblical standards and with the mission of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary as an institution of higher education for ministry leadership. While the Internet provides valuable educational resources, access to the Internet is open to abuse in a number of different ways.

Restrictions on Internet use include activities that would result in libel, false representation, copyright violations, licensing violations, intellectual property violations, and other criminal activities. Such limitations also restrict the use of network Internet resources to access sexually explicit material, engage in defamation of character, violate academic integrity, or engage in unauthorized commercial or political activity. ITG personnel are authorized to employ a variety of means to track Internet usage and the management of documents. All campus network users should be aware that any/all network traffic is monitored and that inappropriate use of computer hardware, network systems, e-mail, or external Internet will be reported to the appropriate seminary authorities.

Student violations of Internet Technology guidelines will result in disciplinary actions. If a student is found to be in violation of any Computer Lab usage policy, their account will be immediately disabled and the incident will be reported to the Dean of Students. ITG will re-enable the account only upon receiving written authorization from the Dean of Students and/or the seminary faculty Student Relations Committee. The official seminary Internet Technology Policy is available for review from the Information Technology Group Office or the Student Services Office.

Unauthorized Access

A valid student user account provides for access to the GGBTS network via the computer lab workstations, which are the ONLY authorized devices for making personal connections to the GGBTS network and applications. Such access is free of charge; however, student users are accountable to use the network in a responsible manner and to comply with all user regulations/restrictions.

Unauthorized network access is strictly forbidden. Unauthorized access includes any form of connection to the network using personal laptops or other devices. For example, students may not connect personal laptops or other devices to open network ports nor may they disconnect any seminary equipment, including Computer Lab workstations and printers, to use those devices’ ports. Doing so constitutes a serious breech of license. This policy includes all network connections on campus, including those in the classrooms. Students found patching into network ports will be subject to disciplinary actions through the Dean of Student’s Office and the faculty Student Relations Committee.


The seminary does not currently support on-sight Computer Lab technicians, so all student Lab users are “self-managed.” Any workstation, printer, document/file problems should be reported to the Student Services Office. If the Student Services Office is unable to resolve the matter then they will process a request to the Information Technology Group. While every effort will be made to respond quickly to such requests, student users should be reminded that the ITG staff will queue and prioritize requests in line with broader institutional priorities and student user requests/issues will be responded to as quickly as these priorities allow. At no time should students go directly through ITG staff for Lab/account issues.

To avoid problems and emergencies, please remember these troubleshooting guidelines:
  1. Do not attempt to change printer toner cartridge or clear paper jams. Simply report the problem immediately to the Student Services Office.
  2. Do not attempt to download large files (especially video or music).
  3. Remember to always back up your files/documents to disk.
  4. Never disconnect any hardware.
  5. Allow yourself plenty of time to complete/print papers before they are due.
  6. Remember your password/login.