
book cover Seasons of a Leaders Life
Just as life has seasons, leaders also have stages or phases of leadership. In this practical book Golden Gate Seminary president Jeff Iorg tackles the three seasons or phases of a leader's life. Using the Apostle Peter as his thematic teaching point, Iorg highlights leadership lessons from the three seasons or phases of leadership: Phase One - learning about leadership; Phase Two - actively leading; and Phase Three - leaving a legacy. Written with emerging leaders and veteran leaders in mind, this book is filled with great insights for leaders of all seasons, ages, and phases of life. Each short chapter includes helpful questions for reflection and discussion. The book is an excellent resource for church leaders to use in a discipleship type setting over a period of several months. It could also be a helpful book for older pastors to mentor younger pastors. Published: September 2013. Purchase at LifeWay, any bookstore, or Amazon.
Published: Sep 3013. Purchase through LifeWay or Amazon

book cover Unscripted
Are you frustrated by your ineffectiveness in sharing the gospel and winning people to Jesus Christ? You have tried new approaches to witnessing-which work for a short time but then become stale. You need a lifestyle adjustment-not a clever new method-that will connect you with spiritual power for witnessing and meaningful relationships through which your witness can flow. Unscripted challenges readers to adjust their lifestyles to implement missionary principles in everyday settings, thus increasing their effectiveness at reaching people for Jesus Christ. You live on a missions field. It's time you started living like a missionary!
Published: Jun 2014. Purchase through New Hope Publishers

book cover The Case for Antioch
Seminary president Jeff Iorg looks back at the New Testament church in Antioch to find a biblical model of what healthy churches should look like today. Advising a principled approach in the context of this comparison, he shares methods for measuring church health that are based on hard data as well as discernable spiritual realities. Key areas of discussion include a church’s need to emphasize the empowering of the Holy Spirit, advancing the gospel, changing lives, maintaining doctrinal integrity, resolving conflicts, strong leadership, and sacrificial living. Success in these matters will determine the future of your church as one that is durable, holistic, and effective-a reflection of the full revelation of God’s wisdom and the final result of Jesus’ life and work.
Published: Jun 2011. Purchase through LifeWay

book cover The Painful Side of Leadership
Christian leadership is often likened to the peaceful image of a shepherd leading his sheep. But the truth is that sheep tend to wander toward trouble, and shepherds don’t always handle the challenges of their job with grace and ease. The Painful Side of Leadership encourages and equips Christian leaders with biblical insights to better manage painful ministry circumstances, relationships, and choices. Author and seminary president Jeff Iorg writes candidly throughout to those who may feel beaten up by their mistakes, their critics, or having to make unpopular decisions. His insights are framed with chapters about why painful things happen to Christian leaders in the first place and the hope that God always provides when a leader is hurting.
Published: Oct 2009. Purchase through LifeWay

book cover Is God Calling Me?
Is God calling me? It’s the foundational question that must be answered by anyone considering entry into ministry leadership and then revisited regularly over a lifetime. Writing to a student and young adult audience—although applicable to leaders of all ages—the purpose of this brief, yet powerful book: “God is calling out a new generation of kingdom leaders who will accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation. My goal is to cut to the heart of the matter and give you tools to work through the call process.”
Published: Jun 2008. Purchase through LifeWay

book cover The Character of Leadership
Where spiritual formation and character development meet, The Character of Leadership takes a closer look at important qualities every great leader must develop for a lifetime of effectiveness. This book describes and illustrates the process God uses to shape character in leaders. Leadership is a laboratory through which God changes men and women, remaking them into the image of Jesus Christ. The process God uses to shape characteristics like integrity, security, purity, humility, servanthood, wisdom, discipline, courage, and passion.
Published: Jun 2007. Purchase through LifeWay